- Parochet - Ark CurtainsTorah Ark Curtains, Aron Kodesh Covers, Paroches
- Torah Covers - Torah MantlesSefer Torah Mantels, Torah Scroll Covers, Velvet Torah Mantles
- Torah Rollers - Atzei ChaimWooden Torah Handles & Plates, Eitz Chayim Torah set
- Bimah Covers - Amud CoversBima Cover, Torah Reading Table Covers, Shtender Covers
- Bein GavrahsFlat Torah Covers between Reading
- Silver Torah OrnamentsTorah Breasplates, Torah Crown, Rimonim & Finials, Torah Cases, Torah Pointer / Yad, Torah Markers / Labels
- Torah Binders - GartlesTorah Belts, Torah Ties, Gartel for Sefer Torah
- Tallit - Prayer ShawlsTallis, Talleisim, Tallitoth, Jewish Prayer Shawl
- Tallit BagsVelvet Tallis & Tefillin Bags, Tallis Covers, Embroidered Tallit Covers
- Kippot - YarmulkasSynagogue Kippot, Kippah, Yarmulkes, Womens Lace Headcovering
- Chuppahs - Wedding CanopiesWedding Chuppahs, Tallit Chuppah
- Judaica Gifts & AccessoriesJudaica & Gifts, Challah Covers, Shofars, Megillah Cases, Matzah Covers
- Casket Covers
Related Products Reviews

The rimonim arrived today and they are super duper wonderful. The engraving is SPOT ON!!!!

The rimonim arrived today and they are super duper wonderful. The engraving is SPOT ON!!!!

Shabbat Shalom. Package arrived safely. The pieces are beautiful. I will try to take a picture of them on the Torah this evening and send to you. Thank you for all if your help.

Shabbat Shalom. Package arrived safely. The pieces are beautiful. I will try to take a picture of them on the Torah this evening and send to you. Thank you for all if your help.

Many thanks for the beautiful scroll cover and the pretty rimonim. All arrived by FedEx this morning, and they were packed beautifully, so there are no damages.. Many many thanks.

Many thanks for the beautiful scroll cover and the pretty rimonim. All arrived by FedEx this morning, and they were packed beautifully, so there are no damages.. Many many thanks.
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Torah Rimonim
Read more about Torah RimonimOur Torah Rimonim - Torah Finials are hand crafted with high quality craftsmanship available in sterling silver and/or silver plated. All silver Torah rimonim can be engraved with a custom dedication to commemorate an event or honor a loved. We offer a selection of Sephardic & smaller rimonim, available in sterling silver & silver dipped.
Coordinate with our matching Torah breastplates, Torah crown and Yad/Pointers to complete the look!
See complete sets of silver Torah ornaments here.
Need a set of rimonim expedited? Contact us now for immediate shipping!
Can't find the Torah Rimonim you are looking for? Contact us now to check availability for a specific rimonim you are interested in; we might have it available!
Torah Rimonim - Torah Finials
Adorning the sacred Torah scroll with silver Torah ornaments is indeed a meaningful way to express the love and awe to God's Commandments. Fitting over the two upper handles of the staves (atzei chayim) are the Torah rimonim, or Torah finials, usually ornamented with bells that chime when the Torah scroll is being taken out of or returned to the Holy Ark.
Whether it is for an Ashkenaz Torah, Sephardic or small size Torah scroll, each pair of rimonim is delicately hand crafted and made to order for proper fitting. Popular motifs depicted on the Torah rimonim include ritual references such as the insignia of the 12 Tribes of Israel, an eagle and miniature images of Jerusalem, often featuring verses from the Torah surrounding the edges of the rimonim.
These silver Torah rimonim truly symbolize the splendor of the sacred Torah and make beautiful dedications to a congregation!
All silver rimonim & silver Torah ornaments can be lacquered to maintain non-tarnishable. Contact us for an estimate.
Be sure to check out our Parochet & Ark Curtains, Torah covers & mantles, Bima & Amud Covers and Bein Gavras (flat Torah cover between readings) for an amazing selection!